Corporate Human Resources
Nurturing local talent among a young teeming population is something the HJ Investment WLL is actively involved with. The firm has developed strong links with local universities and colleges, offering the sort of compensation packages likely to attract high-quality local graduates. The government has been addressing the Kingdom’s well-documented skills shortage by investing heavily in education and vocational training.
Social Responsibility
HJ Investment WLL is committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance. This entails complying with regulatory requirements, protecting the rights and interests of all stakeholders, enhancing shareholder value, and achieving organisational efficiency. The firm has Board-approved policies for risk management, compliance and internal controls, in accordance with the latest rules and guidelines from the Ministry Of Industry and Commerce. The corporate governance framework - the way in which the Board and management are organized and how they operate in practice - is focused on assisting HJ Investment WLL to successfully meet its strategic objectives and maintain steady growth whilst remaining fully cognisant of our clients' and shareholders' interests.
HJ Investment WLL believes that compliance with corporate governance principles enhances its value through providing a suitable framework for the Board of Directors, board committees and executive management to perform their duties in a manner that serves the interests of the firm and its shareholders. For this reason, HJ Investment WLL strives to achieve the highest levels of transarency, accountability and management by adopting and executing the strategy, goals and policies that are aimed at complying with the firm's regulatory and supervisory responsibilities.